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Second Hand Stress

I was asked for some expert comment on the radio about second hand stress.  A recent study claims that stress is as contagious as the common cold and that you can actually ‘catch’ other people’s anxieties. Passive or second hand stress can become...

Selling Women Cheap?

More women directors will rein in excessive pay, says David Cameron – The Guardian I know Halloween is traditionally a day for disguise but I am not sure what this notion is masquerading as. Always eager to see support for more women on boards, I was interested...

Flexibility and Talent

This week, clients have told me two things that have occurred in their businesses. Either could make a considerable change for women. Here’s the first: A certain bank recently canvassed its employees on the topic of flexibility. Interestingly, when the results were...

Are we there yet?

I was invited to be the keynote speaker at the ISM Jersey Women and Leadership Conference. I chose this question as my topic and opened by reviewing how far we had come, how hard many women had worked throughout history to help us achieve all we have today. From the...

Women’s progression to the boardroom

Even though the sun was blazing there was no temptation to miss being part of this debate at Coutts last night. After networking, champagne and canapés in Coutts’ delightful Garden Court in the Strand, an impressive panel of women prepared to give their views on what...

98 years? You have to be joking!

So, if we leave everything to chance our great grand daughters, or is it great, great, will be the ones who finally have equality of pay with men. Well, I bet those young women of 2109 will thank you for allowing that legacy of unfairness to continue as long as...

Taking stock

A great deal has already been said by a lot of people about the events of this week.  I still don’t feel I can ignore it here. We have, I am sure, all experienced a roller coaster of emotions in London and other cities around the UK. Some of our certainties have been...

Building your resilience

You are going to face tests and challenges throughout your life. Building up your resilience is best done when life is relatively stable so it becomes a way of life and you are equipped if difficulties do come. Here are some, thoughts, behaviours and attitudes to...


It’s time for the soft launch of my downloadable book 100 Lessons in Happiness – part of the 100 Lessons series. Lessons in Happiness” This was a real experiment for me – to take profound lessons from positive psychology and turn each into a 100 word concept ...

Women in the media

It’s Wednesday evening. On television tonight is the popular television phenomenon The Apprentice. Instead of watching The Apprentice tonight I sit here to write a blog for you on my own perceptions of the series, in particular, recent episodes. My partner is a big...

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