+44(0)20 7036 8899 info@whitewatergroup.eu

Greed is good… for culture change

Those of you familiar with our work will know that we are unashamed behaviourists: if you want people to change, change the rewards and the measurements! In the great debate about gender and financial performance, we already know that executive positions are more...

Finding my own voice

I was on stage last autumn in Denver, Colorado when I had the ultimate,’Gosh, if I’d only known that, back then’ moment. Interviewing me was a friend who had once been my student flatmate. So, we have a long history. We laughed at the thought of going back to tell our...

Women – confident or arrogant? It’s a choice

My heart sank recently when working with a group of young women. They were fantastic, talented, vibrant but yet again talking about how low their confidence was especially when it came to putting themselves and their ideas forward. Time and again women talk of this...

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