+44(0)20 7036 8899 info@whitewatergroup.eu

Anticipate the best

Anticipation can be a productive problem solving activity. What do I need to do to catch my plane, leave for holiday, have a good time? Too often it becomes an exercise in anxiety – what if I forget my passport, the plane is late, I have a miserable time? Try doing...

Find forgiveness

If you say you can forgive but not forget, maybe you haven’t really forgiven? Inability to forgive those who have hurt you means that you carry the burden of negative and damaging emotions like righteousness and anger, limiting your chance of happiness. You also stay...

Deal with the past

Is it worth your while to hang on to a grudge that is damaging your chance of happiness and someone else’s well-being? Was this friendship once a source of happiness? What will it take to make things right? At the time, negative feelings may have been appropriate but...

Look for flow

Flow is that state you experience when an activity challenges you to use your ability and skill to the fullest, when what you are doing is so absorbing that you lose track of time. If a task is too difficult for you, you are likely to become anxious. Too little...

Find engagement

Many people sleepwalk through life, only partially engaged. Globally only 14% of people are highly engaged with their work, 24% are totally disengaged and 62% are somewhere in between. What a waste of all that talent and energy! People are most likely to be fully...

Believe in yourself

Few people have the confidence they really deserve, caused by faulty perception and inadequate self belief. Do some research: What have you ever been told about yourself, the good and the not so good? How trustworthy are your sources? There are people whose opinion on...

Build hope

Hopefulness is mainly learned and is one of the key strengths that contribute to happiness. A hopeful person has the belief that future good events will outweigh bad ones. Yet pessimism is often the preferred thinking style. People claim that, if you don’t hope, then...

Bounce back

Think back to a difficult event in your life. How did you find your way through? What gave you the strength to carry on? Some of the factors that decide how easily you will overcome adversity and bounce back afterwards are having a strong support system, building an...

Build resilience

Life can be a challenge – long hours, multiple demands, lots of stresses. We often love it that way but it can dent your happiness. In order to keep up the intense life you want, you need to build yourself up. Start by constructing a personal model of resilience. Who...

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