Blackberries or Crème de Mure? iPhone or iSpy?
It is the holiday season and the debate continues. Should you or should you not check your e-mails while you are on holiday? Aren’t you meant to be ‘getting away from it all’? The Mail on line ran a story about managers returning even more stressed from holiday...
Super read: Career & Happiness
Averil Leimon gives you one piece of advice to feel happier in life. We hope this will give you a nudge to boost both your career and personal satisfaction.
What New Year Resolutions teach us about Leadership
New Year Resolutions – Are we there yet? So it is the 13th day of the year (or perhaps the 14th if you pick this up on Monday) and about 50% of us will have made formal New Year Resolutions. Depending on which study you read, 60-90% will fail within six months, with...
What New Year Resolutions teach us about Leadership
New Year Resolutions – Are we there yet? So it is the 13th day of the year (or perhaps the 14th if you pick this up on Monday) and about 50% of us will have made formal New Year Resolutions. Depending on which study you read, 60-90% will fail within six months, with...
Optimistic Grit
We are entering the last quarter of the year – typically the most intense one. We continue to present 12 strong ideas on the 12th day of each month. Let’s see if our perspective can help us all make it to Christmas in good shape… To paraphrase Gordon Gekko in...
Averil was talking on BBC Radio 5 Live this morning about Happiness . . . .for several seconds! The Office of Statistics brings out a new report today about well being and health. Questions they have asked before include: How satisfied are you with your life nowadays?...
Averil was talking on BBC Radio 5 Live this morning about Happiness…. for several seconds! The Office of Statistics brings out a new report today about well being and health. Questions they have asked before include: How satisfied are you with your life...
ROI: Choosing the best Executive Coach for you
Back to basics: How to choose the best Executive Coach for you? Executive Coaching is a significant cash investment for organisations and time investment for individuals. Its scope has grown tremendously over the past 10 years because when it works, it works really...
The Queen versus Maslow: a Royal Lesson in Leadership
After a long weekend of Pomp and Circumstance, flotillas and fairy cakes, old rockers and royalty, Queen Elizabeth II emerged as a leader who had stayed true to herself and her values while also managing to change sufficiently with the times. Her promise 60 years ago...
Second Hand Stress
I was asked for some expert comment on the radio about second hand stress. A recent study claims that stress is as contagious as the common cold and that you can actually ‘catch’ other people’s anxieties. Passive or second hand stress can become...