+44(0)20 7036 8899 info@whitewatergroup.eu

(De)-focused leadership?

In the moments before I took the call asking me to speak on BBC Radio about Focus, I had been: commenting on a family WhatsApp conversation, checking my phone messages, updating Facebook, reading e-mails, catching up on LinkedIn; and feeling guilty about not tweeting...

Nominate! Male Leadership research

New research from White Water Group in association with NatWest Markets, seeks to learn about good male leaders. Those leaders who succeed in these turbulent, diverse and more complex times, who are inclusive in their approach and are role models for younger men and...

An inconvenient truth

This week being Passover, I revisited a post from a couple of years ago, The Rabbi’s leadership wisdom. In it, I debated the relationship between ‘telling it like it is’ and unintended consequences: in corporate life, like in real life, the messenger bears in part the...

The Art of the Apology in a Connected World

As we have seen in a recent post, the Truth is now a distant consideration in the public narrative; yet the demand for heartfelt apologies is constant, be it regarding poor product reviews on Twitter to the latest tube delays – Yes, we now have The Wrong Kind Of...

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