Learn to persevere
Robert the Bruce took as his motto, “Try, try, try again”, having watched a spider persevere at spinning its web. Psychologists talk about delayed gratification, being able to wait and work for something better rather than grabbing what you can get now. The ability to...
Practice makes perfect
Being positive takes practice. Approach any new situation knowing you can succeed. Consider what would be a successful outcome. Think about your talents and how you are going to make it come good. You may have to try a number of different strategies before it works....
Change your thinking/Change your life
All the evidence shows that how you think determines how happy you are. You have a choice. Have you heard of the ‘One Shot Philosophy’? You have one shot at today. How can you make the absolute best of it, whatever happens? So you get bills in the post or you miss the...
Get into the zone
Happiness is worth pursuing not just so that you experience a state of bliss but because of all the other benefits. There is a strong relationship between health, wealth, success and happiness. People often assume that success leads to happiness when in fact there is...
Not jam tomorrow
There’s a fairly puritanical belief about suffering now and getting your reward in Heaven. That if you work hard now then there will be jam tomorrow. Don’t put happiness on hold. It is too precious an emotion to leave to a hope, that one day, if this goes well and...
Choose life
Aristotle said “Happiness is the meaning and the purpose of life, the whole aim and end of human existence”. Aristotle knew a thing or two but his ideas have taken a while to catch on! Those who have to fight daily for survival, security and sustenance would love to...
Express yourself
If you ever go to a funeral, you find people standing round talking about the qualities of the deceased. I always wonder, did they say these things when the person was alive and they had the chance? What did a stiff upper lip do for you? Go on. Tell people you care....
Make vivid pictures
Our worst memories are always very powerful, partly because we go over and over, reliving them, making their image strong. We re-experience the emotions, sensations and often tell our story to others, ensuring these images are seared into our brains. Try locking in...